From start-to-finish, we assist with the full Telecom Billing Life Cycle!

Starting with your existing service contracts, we will compare them to currant market rates of all the supplies in the area. Then, we will come up with short term plan and a long term plan that fit your budget and future needs.


When you receive your first bill in the mail, it's always confusing.  We will review it with you, so you know what each line item means. Most carriers have invoices that are hard to understand. In addition, the first bill is usually prorated, which makes it even harder to understand. We will answer any questions you may have and check for accuracy. 

You should not be surprised when you open your bills!

1 year later, we will audit your bill again for accuracy and make sure your needs are still the same. Since we are compensated directly by the carrier, we have a vested interest in maintaining uptime and quality of service.

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