There will be a ping and a traceroute to that circuit. We will also measure packet loss and latency. Just because a circuit is up, doesn’t mean it is performing well.
NO It cannot. The only option is to go back to the carrier and request a static IP for that circuit.
Some of them do. Those that do have varying degrees of quality. The big difference is the consolidated view and peace of mind you will have across all of your different internet connections.
Currently, no. This is something being looked into, as well as the ability to receive notifications through a mobile app.
There are no plans to ever charge for this basic circuit monitoring. NOTE: Ticket Resolution and VX Pulse Products do have monthly cost.
No, this is a service that both small and large clients can benefit from.
No. It is all free. NOTE: Ticket Resolution and VX Pulse Products do have monthly cost.
Nothing is installed on the customer’s equipment, as it is all cloud based. Therefore, there is no added security risks introduced.
Yes, the visible resources available for the end customer’s dashboard can be customized.
Yes. The only requirement is that the IP address needs to be static.
The Internet connection must be contracted with Freedom Technology Partners thru our master agent Telarus and VX Suite. Please click on Circuit Monitoring Forms under “Our Services” and fill out the credit card authorization sheet, contact info sheet and LOA (Letter of Authorization). The LOA allows us permission to open the ticket on your behalf. Fill out and scan or e-mail to SMorgan@FreedomTechPartners.com
Right now it is just for internet circuits. NOTE: The VXPulse product within VXsuite is capable of monitoring other circuits. This also has a monthly cost associated and can be discussed at your FREE consultation.
Yes. We have a very unique product called “Ticket Resolution”. This $20 monthly service will not only monitor your circuit for uptime, but will open a ticket automatically if your circuit goes down and allows access to dashboard updates so you can log into to see status of the ticket. Our 24/7 NOC will escalate the ticket until it is closed or you are back up and running. We will contact you to confirm once connection is re-established.
$20 per month will be billed on credit card withdrawal only (month to month term).
VX-Pulse is a paid monthly subscription that monitors all or part of your unified communications ecosystem. It will assist you in providing actionable business intelligence on how to define, design, integrate, optimize, and manage the technologies that make up your network as well as monitor and support your PBXs, VoIP implementations, network devices and access points across a network. It also continually tests and tracks the status of the network to detect changes and threats to the end-user experience. Monitors call quality and server performance. Provides support staff with a complete view of your hybrid unified communications ecosystem and provides a unified remote access solution. Provides for the backup of network device configuration with verification reports.
Can be discussed at initial consultation meeting and runs between $250 to $500 per month.